Recently, I was talking with a prospective client about a re-brand project and shared our branding process, which involves exploring three key perspectives – Customer, Competitor and Company. This helps answer the vital WHY, WHO, HOW and WHAT questions. During the pitch, I mentioned the importance of conducting a customer satisfaction survey to gauge performance. Then came a question that made me pause, “How often do you do that for chicken/egg?”
My honest answer was never. 🙄
That question stayed with me the whole journey back. As a consultant and agency owner, it’s easy to fall into the trap of not doing what you advise others to do for yourself, mainly because you’re busy fulfilling their needs. I help others with LinkedIn pages but rarely update mine consistently. I assist with marketing planning and strategy, but I can’t remember when I wrote a plan for my business. I guide others through branding processes but haven’t revisited my own in years.
When I returned to the office, I resolved to start an annual chicken/egg client satisfaction survey. This would demonstrate that a) I follow my own advice and b) give insights into my/our performance over the past 20 years.
And … early results show an NPS of 70 – This score reflects our clients’ confidence in us and our commitment to delivering exceptional service and creative solutions. Woohoo, happy chicken dance! 🐔 🕺
Want to know how we can help your business? Send me a DM, and let’s get cracking.
#ClientSatisfaction #NPS #MarketingExcellence #ChickenEgg