Tag: banner design

Creating a Virtual Tour

When our local primary school asked us to help them create some marketing collateral to promote their new addmissions drive we decided to go with a mix of traditional and online solutions.
We designed their logo and website a few years back so it was important to keep the style consistent so we used the design as our base and produced:

  • A PDF brochure for parents to download
  • An A4 Poster for local nurseries and playgroups
  • An A5 flyer for local nurseries and playgroups
  • A mesh 3m x 1m outdoor banner for their roadside gate
  • Two videos – one with a focus on the school and it’s offerings, with a voiceover by one of the staff, and the other a lovely piece with the Year Six’s talking to camera about their experiences at school!

We also did a ‘COVID safe’ mini photoshoot to get some updated shots of the kids their classrooms at break!

A really nice project to support our local community!

You can view the videos here