Tag: Pitch Win

New Client: Pitmans LLP

We always love winning new business, who doesn’t, but our latest client win was pretty epic …

Over 20 agencies answered the initial tender for the design and build of 5 new websites for Pitmans LLP, the largest Law firm in the Thames Valley.  We were shortlisted and were one of 4 agencies invited into pitch to the Pitmans team.  We went in all guns a-blazing, rocking the virtue’s of WordPress and also really excited to have the opportunity to explain and showcase how an agency like chicken/egg works and operates …

Getting that email saying that we’d won the account was like winning Gold!  And then hearing that they felt that our passion, enthusiasm and our business model were all key criteria in their decision making process made me feel really proud.  Everyone who is part of the chicken/egg team, wherever they’re based, all share the same values and work ethic – it’s going to be great fun working on this project with a great bunch of people!

Pat on the back to all of us!